Recognition procedures for employment
The first step is to complete the Recognition request form available on the official website of the ENIC/NARIC Centre Serbia and to enclose to the form scanned documentation and scanned proof of payment (7500,00 RSD approximately 65 EUR). The completed form must be printed, signed and enclosed together with other necessary documentation that consists of scanned:
- Diploma (original)
- Diploma supplement (original) or Transcript of Records
- Certified translation of Diploma and Diploma supplement (original) or Transcript of Records (For documents from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro translation of documents is not necessary, a certified copy of listed documents is sufficient).
- Other HE diplomas (if they exists)
- A copy of personal ID or passport
- Decision on the last name change or a copy of marriage licence (for those who have changed their last name)
- Short CV in Serbian or English showing the educational path
- For recognition of PhD studies: e-form and paper form of PhD dissertation, abstract in Serbian and English and the list of publish papers
Upon the reception of the Decision on recognition, the applicant is obliged to submit: completed, printed and signed electronic application and complete original documentation that was enclosed to the form, as well as one copy of certified photocopies which are permanently kept in the applicant's file.
For detailed explanation of the procedure please consult the ENIC/NARIC Centre Serbia.
(Edited: May 2021)