
Recognition procedures for employment

Based on the Law on Higher Education the recognition of foreign higher education qualifications is conducted by the NARIC centre established as a centre within the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI)

The head of NARIC centre proposes to the Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation experts for State Council for Recognition (SRC), following which the Minister aopoints members of the State Council for Recognition (SRC). State Council for Recognition has eleven members: the head of the NARIC centre and ten external professional members with relevant experience. The SCR members must be from different fields of study. The State Council for Recognition only works on the recognition of diplomas for which the NARIC centre finds necessary to receive a deeper expertise. The SRC is not involved in the recognition of diplomas of HEIs ranked high on the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), Times Higher Education World University Ranking (THE) the QS World University Ranking) as well as for the public HEIs from the region.

The documents needed for initiating the recognition procedure include:

  1. Completed form that can be downloaded from the NARIC – Kosovo* website
  2. A copy of an identification document
  3. A copy of the marriage certificate in case of change of surname;
  4. Original degree for review
  5. A copy of the diploma / certificate certified by the notary, A4 format;
  6. A copy of the transcript of records certified by the notary
  7. A certified translation of the diploma/certificate and of the transcript of records
  8. A copy of the Diploma Supplement (if applied to the relevant institution);
  9. A copy of the bachelor's, master's and doctor's final paper/thesis (respectively of the degree which you are asking for recognition).
  10. A translation of an abstract of the paper/thesis – up to three pages;
  11. Study program;
  12. A copy of the diploma / diplomas of previous studies
  13. Payment Schedule (administrative fee: for bachelor’s degree 30 €, for master’s degree 50 € and for PhD degree 70 €.)

Assessment for recognition and/or equivalence of studies and qualifications shall be based on:

  1. duration of the study program;
  2. title obtained;
  3. study level in compliance with NQF/EQF;
  4. number of credits (ECTS);
  5. period of mobility/transfer and licensing decisions, and accreditation program and institution.

Recognition/equivalence of qualifications is done by confirming its accuracy and authenticity and it is based on the similarity of the programs and qualifications that are being compared. The assessment and the determination of similarity is done by comparing the core subjects of two study programmes. The similarity of the programs should be at least 70%. If the program or qualification cannot be compared with the HEI programs and qualifications in Kosovo*, then only the recognition of diploma is done as it is earned. In cases in which the same programme and the same qualification were already a subject of the recognition procedure only the verification of the diploma authenticity is done while the previous recommendation is attached to the new recognition request.

NARIC centre reserves the right to request additional documents. Certification of documents and translation must be done in Kosovo*. Provided that the documentation submitted is complete the recognition should not last more than 4 months.

The SCR can issue the following decisions:

  1. Decision for recognition;
  2. Decision for recognition and equivalence;
  3. Decision for non-recognition.

The right to appeal expires after 30 days following the decision.

Diplomas issued by the higher education institutions that have functioned in the administrative territory of the former Yugoslavia until 1992 are not subject of the recognition and equivalence of diplomas/qualifications.

(Source: Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation revised by the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, May 2019)

For detailed explanation of the procedure please consult the MMinistry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation