
Recognition procedures for employment

The recognition of foreign higher education certificates at the first and second cycle is conducted by the Educational Service Centre (ESC) while the recognition of the PhD diplomas is being implemented by the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth.

The application can be completed online and printed and sent to the relevant institution. The recognition procedure can take up to 45 days provided that an application was submitted via e-form and up to three months in cases when an application is submitted in paper. The recognition procedure costs 17 EUR.

Procedure Steps

In the case of online application, the applicant completes the online application form, prints it and sends it along with the relevant hard-copy documentation to the relevant institution. The payment can be done in two ways:

  1. If the payment method \"Online Payment\" is selected, payment can be made via Credins Bank, with a debit or credit card in and out of Albania.
  2. If the payment method \"Mandate Payment\" is selected, the \"Continue\" button and the payment billing options will be displayed, and a second-tier bank will be selected to make the payment. At the end of the payment of the online application, the candidate will be automatically notified by email for filling in the application.

In the case of application only in written form, the applicant posts the documents to the relevant institution. For the application only in a written form, the payment is made at the second-tier banks or at the Albanian Post Office in the bank account of the Educational Services Centre or the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth.

Documentation needed

1. The application for the recognition and conversion of professional diplomas, bachelor\'s, master\'s and long-term specializations shall contain the following documentation:

  1. The application form filled in individually, which is printed after the online application or downloaded from the official website of the Educational Services Center (if applicable only in a written form);
  2. Diploma or certificate certifying completion of studies (in case the latter is the relevant official document in the country of origin equivalent to the diploma);
  3. List of marks and / or diploma supplement;
  4. Photocopy of identity card or passport (in cases where the application is only filed in writing);
  5. Hard-copy payment (in cases where the application is only filed in writing).

Documents must be original (except diploma) or notarised photocopies combined with the original. Documents submitted for recognition are not returned to the applicant.

The documents specified in letters b) and c) must be translated into Albanian by translators licensed in the Republic of Albania with the exception of English, Italian and French documentation, for which translation into Albanian is not necessary.

In cases of inability to carry out translation procedures in Albanian language, the applicant may translate the document into the country of origin in English by an authorized interpreter / licensor for that purpose in the respective country. In these cases, the document must necessarily carry the apostle / legalization stamp related to the translation.

2. The application for the recognition and conversion of the scientific degree \"Doctor\" shall contain the following documentation:

  1. The application form filled in individually, which is printed after the online application or downloaded from the official website of the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth (if applicable only in a written form);
  2. A copy of the diploma and its supplement (if any) issued by the respective institution of higher education, which attests to the award of the \"Doctor\" degree, as well as notarized copies of diplomas of prior university studies;
  3. Doctoral dissertation in hard-copy format (bonded and signed by the applicant and the scientific leader. In the absence of a signature from the leader, to be signed by the secretariat of the higher education institution and stamped) and electronic (on CD, word format);
  4. Albanian-language dissertation summary in hard-copy format (signed by applicant) and electronic (on CD in Word format), 5-10 pages;
  5. Certificate issued by the National Library in Tirana, on the deposit of a copy of the dissertation;
  6. Curriculum Vitae signed by the applicant;
  7. Photocopy of identity card or passport (in cases where the application is only filed by letter);
  8. Hard-copy payment (when the application is only filed in hard copy). The diploma must be standardized with the original (notarized) while the list of grades, original or standardized with the original (notarized). Documents submitted for recognition are not returned to the applicant. The documents specified in letter b) must be notarized and translated into Albanian by licensed translators in the Republic of Albania with the exception of documentation in English, Italian and French for which translation into Albanian is not necessary. In cases of inability to carry out translation procedures in Albanian language, the applicant may translate the document into the country of origin in English by an authorized interpreter / licensor for that purpose in the respective country. In these cases, the document must necessarily carry the apostille / legalization stamp related to the translation.

Note: These are the part of the instruction no. 17, date 03.08.2016 “On the procedures and criteria for  the recognition of diplomas, certificates, Scientific grades and academic titles in the Republic of Albania”, issued by foreign higher education institutions and other authorized institutions, abroad” of the Minister of Education.

(Source: E-Albania revised by the Educational Service Centre (ESC) May, 2019)