
Higher Education System

Serbia joined the Bologna Process in 2003. The adoption of the Law on Higher Education supporting the implementation of Bologna Process followed in 2005. This law formally introduced:

  • the European Credit Transfer System;
  • three-cycle system of study;
  • diploma supplement.

All newly admitted students study under the reformed study programmes as of the academic 2007/08.The reform process was continued by the adoption of the standards for accreditation, self-evaluation and external quality control in 2006. This has set conditions for the start of the process of accreditation of higher education institutions and study programmes in 2007.Strategy for Development of Education in Serbia until 2020, was adopted in 2012. It seeks to identify purposes, goals, directions, instruments and mechanisms for the development of the education system in the Republic of Serbia until 2020. It includes chapters relevant for higher education.According to the Law on Higher Education, every study programme is defined through the number of ECTS. Each course within the study programme is valued through the number of ECTS. Total sum of ECTS varies from a minimum of 180 for three year programmes to a minimum of 240 ECTS for four year programmes at the bachelor level.  At the master level a number of ECTS may vary from minimum of 60 to 120 ECTS depending on the length of the programme (one or two year). Programmes at the PhD level comprise at least 180 ECTS.

Every person who finishes a four-year secondary school has an open access to higher education in Republic of Serbia. The last 2011 census showed that 10.59% of the population of Serbia have higher education qualifications. 

(Source: Eurydice, page updated 13 September, 2018)

Types of studies and institutions

There are 4 types of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Serbia:

  • Universities,
  • Colleges of Applied Studies,
  • Colleges of academic studies,
  • Academies of Applied Studies.

According to the way of their foundation, HEIs are either public or private institutions. Public higher education institutions are established by the state. Higher education institutions founded by an autonomous legal entity or a private person are private HEIs. Both types of HEIs become legal entities within the higher education system in Serbia only after receiving a state permission granted by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.

Every accredited higher education institution in Serbia can organise study programmes and issue first and second-cycle degree certificates (academic and professional), but only universities can implement third-cycle educational programmes. In general, a HEI cannot become a university unless it offers doctoral studies in at least three fields (natural sciences and mathematics, social sciences and humanities, medical science, technical and technological sciences and arts). In addition, a difference between universities and other HEIs in Serbia is also reflected in the fact that the universities are obligated to be engaged in research - their teachers must have appropriate ranking in the scientific community and apply their scientific knowledge and research results in relevant education processes.

Under the Law on Higher EducationUniversity is an independent higher education institution, which can carry out academic, and/or vocational/applied study programmes at each of the three levels of study. Faculties and art academies are constituent parts of university and – albeit separate legal entities - cannot exist independently. Both faculties and art academies can carry out academic and/or vocational/applied study programmes at all of the three levels of study.

University integrates the functions of all of its constituent institutions and units - notably faculties - through unified policies aimed at the on-going promotion of the quality of courses and improvement of scientific research and artistic creativity.    

College of academic studies is an independent higher education institution entitled to organise and conduct only first and second-cycle study programmes (Bachelor and Master academic studies).

College of applied studies is an independent higher education institution entitled to organise first and second-cycle study programmes (vocational studies at Bachelor, Master and specialised levels).Academy of applied studies is an institution that integrates several vocational study colleges. While the higher education system currently does not include any such institution, their formation is being considered with a view to ensuring better functionality. A Tempus project, Establishing and capacity building of the Southern Serbian Academy and the National Conference for Vocational Higher Education, has started considering the creation of such an academy in the Southern Serbian region.

(Source: Eurydice, page updated 18 September, 2018)


All higher education institutions must be accredited before obtaining a working license issued by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. The Ministry is the governmental authority in charge of higher education. It recommends educational policies to the Government, plans admission policies for students, allocates financial resources to higher education institutions, and acts as a general supervisor of the overall higher education development.

Another authority in charge of higher education is the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE). It is responsible for strategic planning and decision making regarding key issues relevant to the HE system coherence such as setting standards for the internal assessment and quality evaluation of HE institutions and establishing standards for the issuance of work permits. The Council is an independent body. It consists mainly of academics proposed by the Conference of Serbian Universities (CSU) and appointed by the National Assembly.

The National Council establishes a separate working body called the Accreditation and Quality Evaluation Commission to carry out tasks related to the accreditation and quality evaluation of higher education institutions and their individual units and those related to the evaluation of study programmes.

The Conference of Universities of Serbia and the Students’ Conference of Universities of Serbia are the two consultative bodies. They also act as very important factors in the governing of higher education.

(Source: Eurydice, page updated 13 September, 2018)