Register of External Quality Assurance Results in the Western Balkans (QA Register)

The Western Balkans Economies are strongly committed to building the quality culture within the higher education systems. Accreditation processes are one of the ways the quality is ensured, measured and objectively analyzed. The Western Balkans economies have set up their accreditation procedures, however their alignment with the European Standards and Guidelines is yet to follow. Nevertheless, the register of the accreditation results (also named Dababase of External Quality Assurance Results)...

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Contacts relevant for recognition processes in the Western Balkans

Here you can find the list of contacts in the Western Balkans relevant for issues of recognition of academic qualifications.

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Quality Assurance Bodies in the Western Balkans

Here you can find the list of Quality Assurance Bodies active in the Western Balkans.

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Database of Qualifications

As a result of the Joint Recognition Exercise, undertaken by the RCC - ERI SEE Joint Working Group for Recognition of Academic Qualifications (namely ENIC/NARIC and NARIC offices from the Western Balkans 6 economies), the Database of Qualifications was composed. The Database consists of the sample cases received by the recognition officers from the region, which were then jointly processed, leading to sample recognition decisions. It must be noted that the results of this Joint Exercise serve only for information purposes for recognition officers, and are currently not available for public.

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